
Evolution Losing Ground

Evolution Losing Ground

(Friday Church News Notes, June 25, 2010, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) –

A 2005 poll by the Louis Finkelstein Institute for Social and Religious Research found that 60% of American medical doctors reject Darwinism, stating that they do not believe humans evolved through natural processes alone. Thirty-eight percent of the American medical doctors polled agreed with the statement that humans evolved naturally with no supernatural involvement. The study also reported that 1/3 of all medical doctors favor the theory of intelligent design over evolution. …

The prestigious science journal Science reported the following in 2006 concerning the United States: The percentage of people in the country who accept the idea of evolution has declined from 45 in 1985 to 40 in 2005. Meanwhile the fraction of Americans unsure about evolution has soared from seven per cent in 1985 to 21 percent last year.

In January 2006, the BBC reported concerning Britain: Just under half of Britons accept the theory of evolution as the best description for the development of life, according to an opinion poll. Furthermore, more than 40% of those questioned believe that creationism or intelligent design (ID) should be taught in school science lessons (Evolution, Conservapedia).

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